State Employees, Inc.

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our mission

Breaking new dimensions.

Our purpose is to promote and advance programs, products, services, activities, and events of a social and recreational nature for the pleasure and enjoyment to state and government employees of Minnesota at an affordable and exclusive discount. We offer a yearly membership that provides special access to opportunities of savings while supporting businesses world-wide. Vendors that work with our organization are offered free marketing in exchange for their discounted products and services. Our goals are to increase awareness of this organization to our fellow employees who maintain our great state of Minnesota.  

Currently, county, city or school employees do not qualify to be SEI members, ONLY state government employees. However, as of 2021, our board team will be discussing the possibility of extending the program to county, city and school employees. Please reach out to our President for more information at

our commitment

Connecting those dots.

SEI is committed to providing outstanding services and warranted discounts to our members. We believe in obtaining competitive and fair offers that will engage our members to being active in the economy’s growth, strengthen our state’s employee retention program and incite career interest from the public regarding the work we do for our State and the benefits that come with it.

our history

Maintaining our Legacy.

SEI started in 1947 with only 30 Minnesota state and government employees who had a common vision and interest in developing a program that allowed their coworkers to save on everyday leisure activities. Today, SEI has a complete board team, admin staff, consultants and thousands of members utilizing its database.
All SEI staff are volunteers who have graciously donated their time to maintaining the SEI legacy and preserving the benefits for future members.


Want to see our events calendar? Interested in learning more about our board meetings?
Feel free to access our public records.
Questions and inquiries can be answered by our Secretary.

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